
Driving Dutch Design 2020 kicked off

DDD20 © Tim Meijer
DDD20 © Tim Meijer
21 February, 2020

In the eighth edition of Driving Dutch Design (DDD), a catalyst programme by ABN AMRO, BNO and Dutch Design Foundation (DDF) help driven designers take the next step in their creative entrepreneurship.

This year, no less than 26 talents will take part in the 10-month professionalisation process, including four design duos. An overview of the participating studios can be found here.

Every month, these Drivers will attend joint master classes in the areas of profiling, communication, financing, business operations and presentation. In addition, the designers also commit to personal development with an ABN AMRO coach. Starting in April, they will be working in Bureau DDD on a collective presentation at Dutch Design Week, including an exhibition, the ‘Drivers Pitch Event’ and a publication.

Katja Lucas (DDF)
Bringing this talented group of designers further, that's what we are committed to.

Ilona Roolvink (ABN AMRO), Patrick Aarts Sen (BNO) and Katja Lucas (DDF) are pleased with the once again increased quality and diversity of the participating studios. “Offering the right insights at the right time in their development and thus bringing this talented group of designers further, that’s what ABN AMRO, BNO and DDF, together with the other partners, are committed to”, says Katja. Patrick adds: “We notice that the ever-increasing interest in the programme has resulted in a strong group of participants. Of course, under the guidance of Masters and coaches, the participants will have to make it happen in the coming months. The first reactions are promising in that respect”.

For an overview of all participants, partners and information about the programme, please visit
