
Statement Dutch Design Foundation

20 October, 2023

Violence is not an answer. It needs to stop. Too many people experience loss and live in fear and insecurity. The reality of this is far greater than us. We don’t have all the answers to the questions this raises. What we do know: Dutch Design Foundation stands unwaveringly for the fundamental rights of every human being, to freedom, equality and safety for all.

We start from dialogue and connection with each other. That is why we — alongside designers, visitors, and organisations — come together at Dutch Design Week. We believe in building bridges, in grand ideas and in small interventions, in focusing on change, in creativity and above all: in working together for society. We want to keep believing that

Our heart goes out to everyone who is affected. Let us be there for one another. Dutch Design Foundation embraces all participants and visitors of DDW. With a sympathetic ear and support for those who need it.
